(Jon’s recommendations, in priority order)

Nutritional supplements are now a crucial part of a healthy diet because the nutrients in our food supply have been so degraded. In the last 20 years, the antioxidant value of our food has decreased by 50%. Back in 1988, Tom Brokaw reported that even at that time, there were no uncontaminated drinking water sources left in the U.S. This means that virtually all crops, even organic, are now being irrigated with contaminated water. Also, the soil has been de-mineralized and lacks the proper bacteria.

Research shows that only 2.5% of nutritional products (randomly selected) are both nontoxic and effective. This is from a landmark study in JANA (winter, 1999 edition). Most products use synthetic ingredients (which can actually weaken versus help you), or natural sources that have been poorly grown with toxic water on poor soil, and then manufactured with toxic add-ons not shown on the label, or they have been irradiated in the shipping process (please read 10 Secrets You May Not Know to understand fully).

The products below from Premier Research Labs are almost the only ones we put into our own bodies. (See Jon’s article High Standards – How We Select Products for the best summary of why.) All their ingredients are grown outside the U.S. and they are the only manufacturer that tests every batch of raw material received every day for quality, contamination, toxicity, etc… (Please read The Quantum Nutrition Effect and What Makes Premier Research Labs Products Premier). We test every product ourselves as well, and these are by far the strongest ones we’ve ever tested (and one of the few that actually passes our testing). They will make you strong as well.

Priority 1

  1. Premier HCL – crucial if eating animal food; #1 priority if over 30 years old – children can use Pink Salt instead; if extremely sensitive stomach, add Gastroven as a tea
  2. HCL Activator – must take with Premier HCL – to enhance its detoxification, remethylation and immune system building capacity, especially important if you are over 40.
  3. Digest – crucial if eating cooked food; important today even with raw food
  4. D3 Serum – pH, immunity and more
  5. Premier Fermented Greens or Premier Greens – vitamins, minerals, pH and more – if you have pH challenges add:
            Calcium Magnesium Powder & Aloe Powder)
  6. DHA – essential fatty acids
  7. Pink Salt – crucial for children, important for adults too
  8. Green Tea-ND or Green Tea Extract  – ultimate antioxidant and anti-radiation

Priority 2

  1. Medi-Clay-FX
  2. Premier Multi-Vitamin and/or Max B-ND or Premier Complete B Capsules
  3. Premier Fermented Mushroom Blend
  4. Gallbladder-ND or Biliven – especially if over 40
  5. MicroBiome and/or Probiotic Caps
  6. Adaptogen

Priority 3 – optional – for super high quality well grown daily nutrition (food)

  1. Premier Fermented Beets
  2. Premier Plant Protein
  3. Premier Fermented Turmeric Plus
  4. Nutritional Flakes – both protein and Vit B

Product Details

Premier HCL – Natural source, beet-derived betaine hydrochloric acid – stomach & digestive support. Most people on a western diet have had their stomach’s ability to produce hydrochloric acid compromised by age 30 and need an HCL supplement to properly break down their food. Rotting food is a breeding ground for parasites and bacteria. Heartburn and acid reflux are actually caused by a lack of HCL. Without enough HCL, the food starts to rot and produce lactic acid which can cause the acid reflux. Anti-acids actually make the condition worse. HCL addresses the cause by helping to digest the meal properly. 1 to 4 Vcaps immediately after each meal.

HCL Activator – Use with Premier HCL (hydrochloric acid) – stomach & digestive support. Helps to remethylate the cell and reclaim both the quality and quantity of your life-span. Helps liberate the deep seated detox and anti-infective capacity of HCL. 1 to 3 Vcaps immediately after each meal.

GastroVen – May be necessary if you are highly sensitive or a Vata body type, otherwise not needed. For those who find the Betaine HCL irritating, they may need to repair the stomach first (I only find this about 5% of the time). Helps repair the stomach lining even with severely irritated stomach and ulcers, so you can take the HCL. If this is the case, check to see if there is an interference field (an old scar, surgery, trauma, broken bone) from the nose to the pubic bone that may be reflexing to the stomach and weakening it. That area will need to be mud packed to help the stomach recover. See our instructions for doing mud packs. Empty 3 Vcaps into hot water, steep for 10-15 minutes, drink 3 times per day before meals.

Digest – Broad-spectrum digestive support; highly purified plant enzymes that work in both an acid and alkaline media, i.e. stomach and small intestines. 2 to 4 Vcaps before every cooked food meal.

D3 Serum – healthiest, live-source natural vitamin D3. Necessary for the uptake of calcium and proper pH. Almost everyone today is deficient. Stimulates over 200 immune functions in body. Get a blood test once or twice yearly to check your vitamin D levels. 6 drops per day.

Premier Fermented Greens or Premier Greens – Complete Super Food Blend – live-source Vitamins & Minerals for high energy, brain & full body rejuvenation. Nature’s most advanced plant foods for great health, wellness and DNA rejuvenation; contains every nutrient essential for life; helps increase energy and fat metabolism; promotes healthy digestion, cleansing and better stress management; low-temperature, air-dried, quantum-state, non-hybrid, pesticide-free grasses from South America – the finest ever produced; absolutely no fillers, binders, sweeteners, pesticides, or toxic solvents. Comes in powder (best) or Vcaps. 1-3 teaspoon, mixed into water or other liquids, 1 to 3 times daily or 5 Vcaps or more daily.

Calcium Magnesium Powder & Aloe Powder – For calcium and alkaline pH:

To achieve optimal health, you must first establish/restore an ideal pH of your body’s tissues (as reflected by a first morning urine pH of 6.4 to 7.0). Take pH tests as directed in the handout, The pH Story.  If you do not pass the pH tests (if your first morning urine pH is below 6.4 or above 7.0), then follow these directions to replenish your vital mineral reserve:

Alkaline minerals are essential for proper pH balancing. Test your pH every morning You may be able to get what you need with 2 tbsp/day of Greens Mix. If you don’t get alkaline within a few weeks, then you may need to switch to the Calcium Magnesium & Aloe. Use for 1 to 2 months until your pH is in the 6.4 to 7.0 range. In stubborn cases, you may also need to use specific immune system support products. Eat an 80 – 100% alkaline forming diet including lots of green vegetables, drink lots of green juices like kale, celery and cucumber.

Without regular intake of highly bio-available minerals, maintaining an ideal pH is impossible. The most assimilable alkalizing minerals in the world is the Sango marine coral minerals listed here. Mix the Calcium Magnesium powder with highly charged inner leaf aloe for spectacular uptake, directly targeting your organs and glands. Combine this with the D3 Serum to obtain natural vitamin D to assist in the utilization of calcium.

We recommend avoiding most other calcium supplements as they are usually synthetic and can weaken you versus strengthen you.

Calcium Magnesium Powder – Designed to be taken with the Aloe Powder (for best absorption) and the D3 Serum for Vitamin D which is essential in order to utilize calcium. Mix 1 tsp. Calcium Magnesium Powder with 1/2 scoop of Aloe Powder with some water, twice daily on an empty stomach, upon waking and before bed.

Aloe Powder – Digestive system support & coral absorption. Highly charged, inner leaf organic aloe. 100% organic inner aloe liquid, no toxic preservatives (no sodium benzoate). Helps absorption of Calcium Magnesium Powder. Soothes and helps lining of digestive tract.

DHA – Feed your Brain! A key Omega–3 fatty acid. Promotes superior brain processing, mental acuity and memory, protects brain when eating out. Supports nervous system, eyes and cardiovascular health.

Pink Salt – Natural solar-dried unprocessed sea salt blend (Mediterranean & Hawaiian Alaea). Use daily instead of table salt, which is a denatured false food devoid of minerals or nutrients. Even most other sea salts have been heated with the minerals processed out. Tests better than any other salt.
1-2 tsp. per day for adults, ¼ – ½ tsp. for children under 80 lbs.

Green Tea-ND or Green Tea Extract – Nanized green tea concentrate – for anti-aging, radiation protection & detox, digestive, connective tissue & energy support. Most powerful antioxidant. Helps DNA handle effects of radiation damage (one airplane flight exposes you to the same amount of radiation as one year on the ground). Most complete antioxidant support and free radical damage prevention. 1 to 2 tsp, put in water bottle and sip slowly all day, or 2 caps twice daily.

Medi-Clay-FX –  removes mycotoxins and heavy metals from the entire digestive tract and our food as well. Mycotoxins are moldy type substances that poison, compromise and can eventually destroy every organ in the body. We are finding this to be an escalating problem in our food supply and in almost all the people we test. We suggest using the Medi-Clay-FX for at least a year and avoiding all foods that contain these mycotoxins.

Premier Multi-Vitamin formulated to deliver to you a fully plant-based, synthetic-free multivitamin for daily use with top use nutrients. This product is a complete, high potency, vegetarian vitamin and mineral blend offering a broad spectrum profile of potent and pure naturally occurring phytonutrients to support the ideal cell resonance of the body’s organs and glands. 4 caps per day

Max B-ND or Premier Complete B Capsules Only live-source vitamin B complex in the world – stress, brain support & high energy. Unique, live-source end-chain B vitamins for maximum stress, brain, liver support, high energy and more. Usually our 1st choice to up-regulate the liver. ½ to 1 tsp, put in water bottle and sip slowly all day, or 2 caps per day.

Premier Fermented Mushroom Blend – intestinal & immune system support; with prebiotic fiber.

Gallbladder-ND or Biliven – Cleanses the gallbladder tract. Almost every American has a clogged gallbladder. Common Symptoms of gallbladder congestion: Burping frequently, bloating, inability to digest fats, weight gain, nausea after meals, headaches, fatigue, waking up at night, gallbladder “attacks”, especially after eating fatty foods, poor skin & hair quality. 1-3 tsp per day, or 1-2 caps three times daily.

MicroBiome and/or Probiotic CapsIncomparable beneficial bacteria – intestinal & immune support. 40% of a bowel movement is friendly intestinal flora & for most people much of this flora has been wiped out by antibiotics. 2 months use can help replenish and vastly improve digestion and elimination.

Adaptogen-R-3 – Endocrine system rejuvenator – optimal neurotransmitter production, memory, brain, kidney & adrenal support. Comprehensive adaptogenic formula. The lean-body boost, immunity, adrenal support & peak performance adaptogenic herbs. Supports maximum performance, increased energy, endurance, enhanced oxygen & nutrient uptake, optimal neurotransmitter production, the adrenal/pituitary axis, memory and hormonal system rejuvenation. 3 Vcaps at breakfast.

Premier Fermented BeetsPromotes energy, healthy gut microbiota & heart health; 100% fermented organic whole beet root powder.

Premier Plant Protein – 6 premier types of plant-based protein; 18 g raw protein per serving with 60+ minerals.

Premier Fermented Turmeric PlusLiver and digestive support; great tasting organic powder.

Nutritional Flakes – Best seller – delicious, nutty flavor nutritional yeast – amino acids & Vitamin B. Rich in natural B Complex Vitamins, glutathione, beta 1-3 glucans, quality protein.


Note: The following liquids can be put in the same bottle of water and sipped all day: Green Tea-ND, Max B-ND, Gallbladder-ND.

To understand why we consider these products far healthier than any supplements you are currently taking and even the food you are eating, see Jon’s article Health Secrets Revealed: High Standards – How We Select Products.

See below for more information & recommended use on each product and to order now.


Adaptogen-R3 - Endocrine system rejuvenation - optimal neruotransmitter production, memory, brain, kidney, adrenal & weight support


Aloe Powder

Premier Gastrointestinal support and pH Balance


B Capsules, Complete

Complete vitamin B formula ; contains high-energy vitamin B forms; supports many bodily systems, including brain, liver, energy & mood


Beets, Fermented

Promotes energy, healthy gut microbiota & heart health; 100% fermented organic whole beet root powder



Gallbladder support/cleansing formula


Calcium Magnesium Plus - 90 caps

Whole Body Mineral Support, Including the Bones, Joints, Teeth and an Alkaline pH


Calcium Magnesium Powder - 8 oz

Legendary bone, joint, alkaline pH support for ideal whole body health


D3 Serum

Live source natural vitamin D3 - for healthy bones, brain, nerves, heart, lungs, breasts, digestive/sexual organs & more



Feed your Brain! Promotes superior brain processing, mental acuity and memory, protects brain when eating out



Premier Digest - Plant enzyme formula - full spectrum digestive support for fats, carbohydrates, proteins and dairy



Gallbladder cleansing & detox - use with Gallbladder Flush



Quantum-state herbal formula for superior stomach & digestive rejuvenation


Green Tea-ND - 8 oz

Nanized green tea concentrate - anti-aging/radiation, digestive, connective tissue, energy support


Greens Caps

Complete Super Food Blend - live-source Vitamins & Minerals for high energy, brain & full body rejuvenation


Greens Powder

Complete Super Food Blend - live-source Vitamins & Minerals for high energy, brain & full body rejuvenation


Greens, Fermented

Fermented multi-greens with probiotics, prebiotics & postbiotics; promotes alkalinity, pH & healthy microbiome & gut health


HCL Activator

Use with Premier HCL (hydrochloric acid) - stomach & digestive support


HCL, Premier

Natural source, vinegar-derived betaine hydrochloric acid - stomach, digestive & anti-bacterial support


Max B-ND - 2 oz

Max B-ND - Only live-source vitamin B complex in world - stress, brain support & high energy


Max B-ND - 8 oz

Only live-source vitamin B complex in world - maximum liver, stress, brain, high energy & mood support



Detoxes mycotoxins and heavy metals, excellent for intestinal cleansing, rare calcium bentonite



Beneficial bacteria for intestinal health; 18 probiotic strains; 15 billion CFUs per capsule





Mushroom Blend, Fermented

Healthy intestinal & immune support; with prebiotic fiber


Nutritional Flakes

Best seller - delicious, nutty flavor nutritional yeast - Protein & Vitamin B


pH Paper Roll

To test your acid/alkaline balance - the smart, quick & easy at-home health analysis tool - Test your pH every morning!


Plant Protein

6 premier types of plant-based protein; 18 g raw protein per serving with 60+ minerals


Probiotic Caps - 30 Vcaps

Incomparable 12-strain, beneficial bacteria - intestinal & immune support


Probiotic Caps - 60 Vcaps

Incomparable 12-strain, beneficial bacteria - intestinal & immune support


Turmeric Plus, Fermented

LIver and digestive support; great tasting organic powder
