EMF Protection
EMFs (electro-magnetic frequencies) are perhaps our worst health risk today. Our bodies and every cell are electrical/energy systems with a particular cellular reasonance when healthy. EMFs disrupt this reasonance and create havoc. These protectors are the only ones we found (through kinesiology/muscle testing) that actually work!
To Protect Yourself, we suggest getting BOTH the Q-Disk and the Quantum Pendant (and the Quantum Chain for the Pendant).
The massive increase in both the number of cell phone towers and the strength of the signals emanating from them is creating a nation-wide wi-fi field and a weakening affect on our bodies, as if we are on a 24-hour a day cell phone call. These electromagnetic fields (EMFs) disrupt our cellular matix and create havoc. They also embed (encode) within our food, weakening it energetically as well. These EMFs create a de-polarized, disruptive, draining field in the home.
We feel EMF’s will be the plague of the 21st century. We’re already seeing a huge spike in the incidence of brain cancer in the last 10 years and we believe it’s directly related to cell phones. EMF exposure is also contributing toward all disease, starting with an increase in fatigue, irritability, difficulty sleeping, headaches, memory & concentration problems, weakness and pain.
Our self-protection equipment actually converts the tremendously harmful field into a powerfully beneficial field that actually strengthens you.