Omica Shower Filter

Best on market - removes BOTH Chlorine and Cloramine


Thunder 2000M Reverse Osmosis®/Ultrafiltration

Filters 95% of Everything! 16 Stage System including Reverse Osmosis, Ultrafiltration, Carbon


Lean Advantage

Thermogenic fat burner, advanced weight management support


Asta Complete-FX

Potent antioxidant formula including natural algae sourced astaxanthin; premier eye, skin & cardiovascular support


Alkalizer/Ionizer, Mineralizer, and Oxidation Cartridge -

It turns water into perfect Natural Alkali Calcium Ionized Water.


Taurine Blend

Premier Cardiovascular, Gallbladder and Detox Support



Essential Niacin without the Flushing Effect - energy metabolism, cardiovascular support


Medi-Mineral Serum

Mud Pack fluid to detoxify, remineralize & revitalize


EPA/DHA Marine

Fish oil concentrate for brain, kidneys, heart, vision & joint health.


PQQ Complex with CoQ10

Antioxidant, nerve & cognitive support - promotes growth of new mitochrondria while inhibiting damage to existing mitochrondria



Handheld device that helps you identify the best quality produce


Intestinal Drawing Formula - 375 g.

Supports colon cleansing - soothes and rebuilds bowel walls & intestinal lining
