Zen Hair & Scalp Detox
Detoxing clay mask for your hair and scalp, removing toxins & chemicals affecting the scalp, brain & immune system.




Zen Hair & Scalp Detox


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Zen Detox

Toxins, chemicals, and pollutants are all bad for the immune systems. This gentle rare herb and spice based treatment lifts heavy metals and other toxins from the hair follicles, scalp, and oil glands, bringing clarity to the brain.

Zen Detox Hair & Scalp Therapy is a detoxing clay mask for your hair and scalp. It is primarily a mixture of Kaolin and Montmorillonite clays, both of which are highly adsorbent — they draw out toxins from the skin like a magnet. Zen Detox pulls heavy metals from the scalp, and then it also removes excess sebaceous oils and residual chemicals from synthetic shampoos, conditioners, styling products, coloring agents, perms, and relaxers from the hair.

What you can detox: arsenic, aluminum, lead, mercury, copper, cadmium, nickel, tin, formaldehyde, industrial chemicals, radiation, residuals from a variety of household and commercial chemicals, pesticides/insecticides, pollutants, herbicides, and more.
How to Use Zen Detox

For a full treatment, use the Zen Detox once a week for three weeks. For optimal results, use once a season. You can apply the treatment to dirty or clean hair, even use it as a replacement for a shampooing session. If you have a chronic and acute illness, or highly toxic, it’s important to take it slow.
You Will Need:

    Mixing Bowl (non-metal)
    Mixing Spoon (non-metal)
    Zen Detox, 2-4 tbsp
    Distilled warm water, 2-4 tbsp


  1. Do NOT use metal utensils or containers when using Zen Detox. There will be a negative reaction and the Zen Detox will lose potency.
  2. Take Zen Detox powder and place in bowl. Slowly add equal amounts of distilled water, mixing thoroughly. Mixture should be spreadable but not drip. You may add more or less water to achieve this. You can alternatively put the water in the bowl first and gradually whisk in clay.   Because our formula is raw and has no emulsifiers, it might clump together. If your mixture is lumpy, let it sit covered at room temperature for an hour. This will let the water hydrate the clay. Mix again after letting it sit and there should be less clumping.
  3. With your hands, massage mixture into your scalp. Smooth over your hair strands. If your hair is long, coil and secure atop your head.
  4. Let the clay sit on your head for 15 to 60 minutes, depending on how you respond to the detox and gradual drying effects. DO NOT let it dry completely, as this might cause the hair to become brittle. First time users should shoot for 20 minutes, then consecutive treatments bump up to 30, 45, and 60 minutes. Advanced users can go up to 120 minutes, as long as it doesn’t dry completely. Detox can produce several symptoms, including mild headaches, a “pulling” feeling, and light-headedness. These are not harmful, but if you are feeling discomfort, simply rinse off the Zen Detox. Use less clay or reduce the treatment time until you adjust. Regardless, Zen Detox is safe and effective.
  5. When ready, use a basin or tub to submerge your scalp and massage the majority out. Rinse with water to remove excess, do not use shampoo. Detoxing taxes the body, so we suggest replenishing electrolytes and minerals by drinking coconut water and eating dark leafy greens, blue-green algae, spirulina, or similar foods. Drink plenty of water or herbal teas, and get some rest. To help with any dryness of skin or hair, use Euro Oil.

Other Uses for Zen Detox

Facial Mask

The clay mask can be used on the face as well, following the same mixing procedure as above. Apply to clean, damp face and neck, avoiding eyes and mouth. Leave on your face for 10-15 minutes or until dry, then wash mask off using a warm, wet wash cloth. This mask is perfect for helping with acne.
Healing Poultice

When mixed with water and made into a poultice, it can draw out infection, reduce insect bite swelling, reduce pain, help with burns and plant rashes. It can also help relieve symptoms of Candida yeast syndrome, Athlete’s Foot, psoriasis, and eczema.
Words from the Hair Shaman

Zen Detox is transformative for people who live in hard water locations, as well as swimmers who incur a toxic buildup of water treatment chemicals such as chlorine. More than 70,000 chemicals are listed the content of consumer products in the United States. Medical researcher Dr. Alan Levine believes that “the vast increase of chemicals in our environment, foods and medicines has greatly altered the body’s ability to rid itself of toxins.” The immune system provides our only significant line of defense against everyday germs, viruses and bacteria.

Zen Detox dynamically assists in reversing chemical damage from synthetic shampoos, conditioners, styling products, coloring agents, perms and hair relaxers. A wide variety of environmental and industrial toxins that pollute our water and air threaten hair health as well. These chemical pollutants accumulate in the body’s glandular and immune systems, which over time lose their ability to naturally detox. The dangerous result is disease.

Product Ingredient:

Active, live healing clays. Volcanic ash. Plant proteins. Rare trace minerals. Cactus. Blood of the Dragon. Wild crafted organic crystals. Herbs and spices.


Zen Detox

Toxins, chemicals, and pollutants are all bad for the immune systems. This gentle rare herb and spice based treatment lifts heavy metals and other toxins from the hair follicles, scalp, and oil glands, bringing clarity to the brain.

Zen Detox Hair & Scalp Therapy is a detoxing clay mask for your hair and scalp. It is primarily a mixture of Kaolin and Montmorillonite clays, both of which are highly adsorbent — they draw out toxins from the skin like a magnet. Zen Detox pulls heavy metals from the scalp, and then it also removes excess sebaceous oils and residual chemicals from synthetic shampoos, conditioners, styling products, coloring agents, perms, and relaxers from the hair.

What you can detox: arsenic, aluminum, lead, mercury, copper, cadmium, nickel, tin, formaldehyde, industrial chemicals, radiation, residuals from a variety of household and commercial chemicals, pesticides/insecticides, pollutants, herbicides, and more.
How to Use Zen Detox

For a full treatment, use the Zen Detox once a week for three weeks. For optimal results, use once a season. You can apply the treatment to dirty or clean hair, even use it as a replacement for a shampooing session. If you have a chronic and acute illness, or highly toxic, it’s important to take it slow.
You Will Need:

    Mixing Bowl (non-metal)
    Mixing Spoon (non-metal)
    Zen Detox, 2-4 tbsp
    Distilled warm water, 2-4 tbsp


  1. Do NOT use metal utensils or containers when using Zen Detox. There will be a negative reaction and the Zen Detox will lose potency.
  2. Take Zen Detox powder and place in bowl. Slowly add equal amounts of distilled water, mixing thoroughly. Mixture should be spreadable but not drip. You may add more or less water to achieve this. You can alternatively put the water in the bowl first and gradually whisk in clay.   Because our formula is raw and has no emulsifiers, it might clump together. If your mixture is lumpy, let it sit covered at room temperature for an hour. This will let the water hydrate the clay. Mix again after letting it sit and there should be less clumping.
  3. With your hands, massage mixture into your scalp. Smooth over your hair strands. If your hair is long, coil and secure atop your head.
  4. Let the clay sit on your head for 15 to 60 minutes, depending on how you respond to the detox and gradual drying effects. DO NOT let it dry completely, as this might cause the hair to become brittle. First time users should shoot for 20 minutes, then consecutive treatments bump up to 30, 45, and 60 minutes. Advanced users can go up to 120 minutes, as long as it doesn’t dry completely. Detox can produce several symptoms, including mild headaches, a “pulling” feeling, and light-headedness. These are not harmful, but if you are feeling discomfort, simply rinse off the Zen Detox. Use less clay or reduce the treatment time until you adjust. Regardless, Zen Detox is safe and effective.
  5. When ready, use a basin or tub to submerge your scalp and massage the majority out. Rinse with water to remove excess, do not use shampoo. Detoxing taxes the body, so we suggest replenishing electrolytes and minerals by drinking coconut water and eating dark leafy greens, blue-green algae, spirulina, or similar foods. Drink plenty of water or herbal teas, and get some rest. To help with any dryness of skin or hair, use Euro Oil.

Other Uses for Zen Detox

Facial Mask

The clay mask can be used on the face as well, following the same mixing procedure as above. Apply to clean, damp face and neck, avoiding eyes and mouth. Leave on your face for 10-15 minutes or until dry, then wash mask off using a warm, wet wash cloth. This mask is perfect for helping with acne.
Healing Poultice

When mixed with water and made into a poultice, it can draw out infection, reduce insect bite swelling, reduce pain, help with burns and plant rashes. It can also help relieve symptoms of Candida yeast syndrome, Athlete’s Foot, psoriasis, and eczema.
Words from the Hair Shaman

Zen Detox is transformative for people who live in hard water locations, as well as swimmers who incur a toxic buildup of water treatment chemicals such as chlorine. More than 70,000 chemicals are listed the content of consumer products in the United States. Medical researcher Dr. Alan Levine believes that “the vast increase of chemicals in our environment, foods and medicines has greatly altered the body’s ability to rid itself of toxins.” The immune system provides our only significant line of defense against everyday germs, viruses and bacteria.

Zen Detox dynamically assists in reversing chemical damage from synthetic shampoos, conditioners, styling products, coloring agents, perms and hair relaxers. A wide variety of environmental and industrial toxins that pollute our water and air threaten hair health as well. These chemical pollutants accumulate in the body’s glandular and immune systems, which over time lose their ability to naturally detox. The dangerous result is disease.

Product Ingredients

Active, live healing clays. Volcanic ash. Plant proteins. Rare trace minerals. Cactus. Blood of the Dragon. Wild crafted organic crystals. Herbs and spices.