Immune Specific

While we cannot legally say any product can fight infection like bacterial or parasite infestation, knowing how humor is infectious and staying within the bounds of what the law and FDA allows us to say: If you have uninvited bugs or bacterial “guests” in your body, we certainly do not think these products will hurt you.

Note: These Immune Specific products can induce the body to cleanse and purge old toxins and wastes. Unless you are local (San Francisco Bay Area) and can come in for QRA muscle testing with Jon, we strongly suggest you add a kidney support product so the kidneys can better handle the detox. Suggested products include:

  • Renaven
  • DHA
  • Adaptogen Complex


Hypersensitivity formula & allergy remedy



Supports body to address bacterial overgrowth/candida in intestines, lungs, bladder, skin



Immune system prevention and recovery support, with Acemannan from Aloe barbadensis


B.P. Complex

Supports healthy heart, arteries & blood pressure already within the normal range


Bone Health

Support for osteoporosis and bone loss, healthy bones, joints, flexibility & strength



Promotes healthy heart, blood pressure, clean arteries & circulation


Castor Oil

Great for castor oil packs - immune, neurological, skin detox


CLO2 Chlorine Dioxide

Spike protein support, anti-viral, anti-micobial, immune support


HCL, Premier

Natural source, vinegar-derived betaine hydrochloric acid - stomach, digestive & anti-bacterial support



Thorough (but gentle) nerve, lymph, brain, immune support



Supports Healthy Inflammatory Response, Digestive and Gastrointestinal Health


Joint & Disc

Minor relief for pain & inflammation, healthy joint and disc support


Olive Leaf Immune

100% Italian olive leaf extract - anti-viral, deep-seated immune support


Oregano Oil

Potent immune boosting compounds - sinus, nose, throat, upper GI support



Parasite cleansing formula - deep-seated intestinal cleansing & support



Para-cleansing formula, especially in chonic cases - liver, pancreas, spleen, gallbladder


Propolis Immune

Skin, intestines, kidney, thymus & immune support


Reishi Immune

Spectacular mushroom of long life - liver, spleen & bowel support
