Traveling Suggestions

Radiation Protection:

  • Green Tea-ND – take 1 tsp for every 1500 miles of air travel as radiation protection. One cross country flight can expose you to the same amount of radiation as a year on the ground!

Pathogen Protection:

  • Premier HCL – high doses with every meal (6-8 caps) to help kill any bacteria or parasites in the food.
  • Oregano Oil (2-4 drops) and Limonene (1-2 drops) to soften the heat of the Oregano Oil – this is also an anti-bacterial.
  • Probiotic Caps – if you get food poisoning and are vomiting, alternate taking 1-2 HCL and 1-2 Probiotic Caps every 15-30 minutes or so until better. Also take the Oregano Oil and Limonene every 30 minutes.
  • Medi-Clay-FX – 1-2 per meal, to remove mycotoxsins, poisons, chemotoxins, GMO glyphosates, heavy metals and more from your food.
  • Parastat – 3-12 caps, 2-3 times per day to prevent parasites, using the higher doses especially in high risk areas like India, Africa, Mexico and other countries where the sanitation and cleanliness are less than perfect.
  • Paratosin – 1-3 caps per meal to prevent against liver flukes, a liver parasite.

Immune Support:

  • Nucleo Immune – 6-12 per day – to rapidly speed up recovery from any illness or physical injury.
  • Immunoven – 3-6 per day – anti-bacterial, anti-viral.
  • Allicidin – take 9-18 per day if symptoms of infection occur.
  • Max B-ND – 1-2 tsp per day.

EMF (Electromagnetic Frequency) Protection:

  • QC Pendant & Chain – wear on your body to protect from all EMFs.
  • Q-Disc – on cell phone – to protect against EMFs. Also can use to unencode EMFs that have been absorbed by either your food or your body from airport scanners or other sources.
  • Put a few batteries (AAA is fine) in your luggage with a score mark on the very top and bottom (you can carve this in with a sharp edge like a scissor just enough so you can feel the indentation with your finger nail) to protect the contents, especially food or supplements from encoding (absorbing EMFs from scanners and other sources).
  • Opt-Out of the Backscatter Ionizing Radiation Airport Scanner and ask for a pat-down instead. Regardless of their claims, we do not consider these safe.
  • Sit on the north or east side of the plane. The aisle seat provides the best energetics.


Supports body to address bacterial overgrowth/candida in intestines, lungs, bladder, skin


Green Tea-ND - 8 oz

Nanized green tea concentrate - anti-aging/radiation, digestive, connective tissue, energy support


HCL, Premier

Natural source, vinegar-derived betaine hydrochloric acid - stomach, digestive & anti-bacterial support



Italian olive leaf, reishi, coriolus - use in coffee enemas



pH-balanced orange extract - emulsifies fats & oils, fast minor pain relief, better joint flexibility


Max B-ND - 2 oz

Max B-ND - Only live-source vitamin B complex in world - stress, brain support & high energy


Max B-ND - 8 oz

Only live-source vitamin B complex in world - maximum liver, stress, brain, high energy & mood support


Nucleo Immune

Dramatic injury recovery time & immune system support especially during cold & flu season


Oregano Oil

Potent immune boosting compounds - sinus, nose, throat, upper GI support



Parasite cleansing formula - deep-seated intestinal cleansing & support



Para-cleansing formula, especially in chonic cases - liver, pancreas, spleen, gallbladder


Probiotic Caps - 30 Vcaps

Incomparable 12-strain, beneficial bacteria - intestinal & immune support


Probiotic Caps - 60 Vcaps

Incomparable 12-strain, beneficial bacteria - intestinal & immune support


Q-Disc 6.0

Cell phone protector - not only protects you but actually converts the harmful EMF field into a benefical field!


Quantum Chain - 18 inch

14K gold-plated brass chain, bioenergetically balanced


Quantum Chain - 24 inch

14K gold-plated brass chain, bioenergetically balanced


Quantum Pendant - Large

Elegant, Affordable EMF protection - Experience Maximum Bioenergetics


Quantum Pendant - Regular

Elegant, Affordable EMF protection - Experience Maximum Bioenergetics
