Surgery/Injury Support

Nutritional support after surgery (or injury) is especially important because nutritional needs can skyrocket up 10 to 20 times normal. If sufficient nutrients are not available after surgery, wound healing time and general recovery will be impeded. Start program before surgery and continue afterward until better.

Foundation Support for all Programs
HCL Detox Kit
Premier Greens
D3 Serum

Recuperation and Healing Support
Nucleo Immune – 6 caps per day minimum, up to 24 per day – to speed healing
Bone Health – 6 caps per day minimum, up to 24 per day
Circuzyme – 6 caps per day minimum, up to 18 per day

Anti-Inflammatory Support
Joint & Disc – 6 caps per day
Inflammacidin – 2-4 caps per day
Deltanol – 4 caps daily
Liver-ND – 2 tsp per day, up to 20 tsp
DHA – 15 – 20 caps per day
Resveratrol – 1-2 tsp per day

Pain Relief and Liver Detox
Liver-ND – 2 tsp per day, up to 20 tsp
Joint & Disc – 6 caps per day
Inflammacidin – 2-4 caps per day
Chem Detox – used for cleaning out anesthesia – 6-12 caps per day for one week

Healthy Skin Support
Propolis Complex – 6-9 caps per day
Dermaven – 2-4 caps per day

Intestinal Support
Premier Psyllium Fiber
Aloe Powder

Healthy Protein Support
Nutritional Flakes

Water/Anti-Dehydration Support
Purified Water with Polar Mins and Pink Salt added
AdrenaVen – 3-9 per day

Anti-Aging/DNA Repair Support

Hormone/Rejuvenation Support
Adaptogen-R3 – 3 at breakfast

Radiation Support
Green Tea-ND – 1-2 tsp per day
Xenostat – 6-9 per day

Detox Therapies
Castor Oil Packs – over affected areas
Medi-Body Packs – over affected areas
Earthwrappe – full spectrum infrared over affected areas


Adaptogen-R3 - Endocrine system rejuvenation - optimal neruotransmitter production, memory, brain, kidney, adrenal & weight support



Supports adrenal glands, deep sleep, spleen, energy, mood and memory


Bone Health

Support for osteoporosis and bone loss, healthy bones, joints, flexibility & strength


Castor Oil Kit

2 bottles Castor Oil & 1 pack Cotton Flannel


Chem Detox

Supports broad spectrum chemical detox & immune support



Supports blood circulation, heart, arterial function, varicose veins, male sexual performance



Cardiovascular/circulatory supplement, inflammation & headache remedy - delta tocotrienols



Feed your Brain! Promotes superior brain processing, mental acuity and memory, protects brain when eating out


Earthwrappe - Regular

Infrared heating pad - relieve inflammation, muscle & joint pain - great for mud packs & castor packs



Promotes healthy, complete bowel elimination, gastrointestinal health & probiotic support


Green Tea-ND - 8 oz

Nanized green tea concentrate - anti-aging/radiation, digestive, connective tissue, energy support


Greens Caps

Complete Super Food Blend - live-source Vitamins & Minerals for high energy, brain & full body rejuvenation


Greens Powder

Complete Super Food Blend - live-source Vitamins & Minerals for high energy, brain & full body rejuvenation


HCL Detox Kit

2 Bottles of Premier HCL & 1 Bottle of HCL Activator - stomach, digestive & anti-bacterial support



Supports Healthy Inflammatory Response, Digestive and Gastrointestinal Health


Joint & Disc

Minor relief for pain & inflammation, healthy joint and disc support



Promotes optimal liver health & detox, DNA repair, exceptional pain relief


Medi-Body Bath

Piezoelectric body baths for rapid whole body detoxification


Medi-Body Pack

High grade



Detoxes mycotoxins and heavy metals, excellent for intestinal cleansing, rare calcium bentonite



Beneficial bacteria for intestinal health; 18 probiotic strains; 15 billion CFUs per capsule


Nucleo Immune

Dramatic injury recovery time & immune system support especially during cold & flu season


Nutritional Flakes

Best seller - delicious, nutty flavor nutritional yeast - Protein & Vitamin B


pH Minerals

Super Charge & Repolarize your water & food - from pure Antarctic water - electrically charged, colloidal mineral concentrate


Probiotic Caps - 60 Vcaps

Incomparable 12-strain, beneficial bacteria - intestinal & immune support


Propolis Immune

Skin, intestines, kidney, thymus & immune support



Eliminates up to 60% of junk DNA, superior antioxidant, supports immunity, longevity, anti-aging


Whey Protein

High energy, daily energy boost, immune support, rapid tissue repair & muscle building



Natural source iodine complex - thyroid support - detoxes xeno-estrogens
