Stress Management & Depression
For handling physical, mental and emotional stress.
Support supplements in priority order:
- Max B-ND
- Tranquinol
- AdrenaVen
- Green Tea-ND
- pH Trio
- Adaptogen-R-3
- Premier Magnesium
- Noni
- CereVen (formerly Brain Complex)
- B12-ND
The most important factors in handling stress are:
- Sleep – this is crucial – you must be getting at least 6 hours of sleep without getting out of bed. 7-8 hours total is best. If your sleep is not excellent, check out our Sleep Program.
- Exercise – the best stress buster ever! Commit to exercise 6 days a week for 30-45 minutes. For stress, the best is aerobic exercise. Get your heart pumping right to the point where you can still breathe easily and talk, but if you exercised any faster you would lose your breathe. Build up slowly to start and cool down slowly to end for 5 minutes. This releases stress and oxygenates your cells and your brain.
- pH – Getting your body alkaline is also important for dealing with stress. See also our Alkaline pH products. A 10% increase in pH equals a 10-fold increase in tissue oxygen! An acid body causes an irritable personality. You’ll be amazed how calm and happy you become once you get your pH in the proper range.
- B Vitamins – live source only, not the synthetic, coal-tar derived junk in ALL other B Vitamins, is important for your body to handle metabolic stress, support the liver to handle toxins and the brain to function properly. See our Max Stress B Nano-Plex.
Magnesium - Powder
Easily absorbed form of magnesium - nerve, bone, pH, heart relaxation support
Advanced neurotransmitter balance for healthy mood, relaxation & deep restful sleep