Diabetes, Blood Sugar, Pancreas Support

There are a number of underlying causes of blood sugar and pancreas problems. The main one is a nano-bacteria, usually missed by lab tests. Nano-bacteria can affect the heart, kidneys and pancreas, so is a big player in diabetes. It’s also why kidney and blood pressure problems often follow or precede pancreas issues.

We also advise to reduce or avoid eating animal products because they directly cause heart disease, as well as congestion of the liver and gallbladder. Read The China Study, the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever done, which showed a 99% correlation with the consumption of animal food and heart disease, cancer and most western diseases including diabetes.

To address the underlying causes of blood sugar and pancreas problems, start with the following products:

  • Cardio-ND – helps the body to eradicate the nano-bacteria. It takes 4-5 months at 4 tsp/day.
  • PancreaVen – helps strengthen, detoxify and rejuvenate the pancreas. Take 6-12/day.
  • HCL Detox Kit – use after every meal to protect against exposure to nano-bacteria.
  • Medi-Clay-FX – detoxes mold which also can affect the pancreas.
  • RenaVen – always important to support the kidneys to handle the detox process.
  • pH Trio – To fight any infection, an alkaline pH is crucial. Infection thrives in an acid environment. Plus a .1 increase in pH is a 10-fold increase in tissue oxygen. If your kidneys are weak then use the Greens Mix and D3 Serum instead.

There may also be old injuries (scars, traumas, surgeries, broken bones) that have created “interference fields” and are reflexing to and weakening the pancreas. We address this with a series of mud packs. See our Mud Pack Procedure here, then call for specific help. The products for the mud packs are:

  • Medi-Body Pack
  • Medi-Body Bath
  • Medi-Mineral Serum
  • AloeMannan-FX

Castor Oil Packs can also be quite healing over time. Products and instructions here:

  • Castor Oil Kit
  • Oregano Oil
  • Earthwrappe – full specturm infrared is also very healing with or without the castor oil packs

Other helpful products:

  • Max B-ND
  • Gallbladder-ND
  • Adrenaven
  • Deltanol
  • NZ-Red Velvet Deer Antler

Key factors that may affect blood sugar:

  • Low pH (deficient mineral status) – see our Alkaline pH suggestions
  • Inadequate digestion
  • Toxicity and/or immune stress
  • A diet high in refined carbohydrates
  • High cortisol from stressed out adrenal glands

Adrenal glands – if your adrenal glands are stressed out and over producing cortisol, this can break down tissue to make sugar, because the body thinks it’s in fight or flight mode. This will also suppress the immune system. If this is your issue, then we also suggest our Adrenal Support protocol.

Diet: Avoid refined foods especially sugar, white flour and processed foods. We suggest cutting way back or better yet stop eating all meat and dairy. Animal products clog your system and are highly acid forming. See the diet in our pH info. Also avoid MSG (or “natural flavors”), alcohol and preservatives as these all contribute to inflammation.

Feel free to call us for help.


Supports adrenal glands, deep sleep, spleen, energy, mood and memory



Immune system prevention and recovery support, with Acemannan from Aloe barbadensis



Gallbladder support/cleansing formula



Promotes healthy heart, blood pressure, clean arteries & circulation


Castor Oil Kit

2 bottles Castor Oil & 1 pack Cotton Flannel



Cardiovascular/circulatory supplement, inflammation & headache remedy - delta tocotrienols


Earthwrappe - Regular

Infrared heating pad - relieve inflammation, muscle & joint pain - great for mud packs & castor packs



Gallbladder cleansing & detox - use with Gallbladder Flush


Greens Powder

Complete Super Food Blend - live-source Vitamins & Minerals for high energy, brain & full body rejuvenation


HCL Detox Kit

2 Bottles of Premier HCL & 1 Bottle of HCL Activator - stomach, digestive & anti-bacterial support


HCL, Premier

Natural source, vinegar-derived betaine hydrochloric acid - stomach, digestive & anti-bacterial support


Max B-ND - 2 oz

Max B-ND - Only live-source vitamin B complex in world - stress, brain support & high energy


Medi-Body Bath

Piezoelectric body baths for rapid whole body detoxification


Medi-Body Pack

High grade



Detoxes mycotoxins and heavy metals, excellent for intestinal cleansing, rare calcium bentonite


Oregano Oil

Potent immune boosting compounds - sinus, nose, throat, upper GI support



Ideal support for pancreas, spleen & body's ability to maintain healthy blood sugar levels & insulin production



Para-cleansing formula, especially in chonic cases - liver, pancreas, spleen, gallbladder



Superb support for kidney function, blood purification and lymphatic drainage
