Corona Virus Support

Here is what we are doing to protect ourselves and what you may want to consider. This is a very brief outline. Please also read the article, Are You Prepared, linked below from Premier Research Labs and click on each of the products further down the page for more info.

We tried to put these in priority order, but we also highly suggest you schedule a Consultation with Jon, to tailor a program directly to your health status and needs.

Premier HCL – 1st line of defense in body’s overall immune system. Take about 25% more than suggested for you age and weight. If starting to feel symptoms, increase to 50% or 100% more.

D3 serum – important for immune and inflammatory response of body. Also supports mucous membranes (lungs). Take 10 drops per day at main meal.

CLO2 Chlorine Dioxide – may help protect against the spike protein. Also may offer support against viruses, bacteria, disease, etc.

Nucleo Immune – Supports body to rapidly overcome colds or flu, heal wounds, improve circulation, instantaneously strengthen the immune system, promote new cell growth, neutralize toxins (especially in the intestines) and enhance the body’s ability to fight infection. Take 6-18 per day (or more), depending on your budget and how much support you want.

Premier Vitamin C – supports immune and inflammatory response, crucial natural source with synergists and co-factors. 3 per day, 12 – 24 or more if symptoms.

Olive Leaf Immune or Immunoven – anti-viral herbs. Take 6 per day preventative, 12-24 if have symptoms.

Premier Aloe – Immuno-stimulant, antiviral, support and for all mucus membranes. Take 1 capsule, 3 times daily or empty capsules under your tongue for best absorption. Can also mix in water and use as a nasal rinse.
Oregano Oil and Limonene – Potent immune boosting compounds for sinus, nose, throat, respiratory and upper GI support. Mix 2-6 drops Oregano Oil with 2 drops Limonene in a few ounces of water. Gargle and swallow every few hours or as often as necessary.

Pneumoven – lung support. 6 per day. 12-24 if symptoms.

Premier NAC – upper respiratory, lung, immune and inflammatory support.

MicroBiome -18 – 70% of immune cells live in digestive tract.

Liquid Zinc Assay – protects against pathogens. Support adaptive immunity. Highly absorpable.

Premier Fermented Mushroom Blend – overall immune system support. Also feeds microbiome.
Green Tea-ND – acts as 1st line of defense by promoting gamma delta T cells.
Inflammacidin – supports adaptive function of immune system.
Allicidin – anti-pathogen, especially fungal or bacterial for gut or lungs. Take 6-12 per day.

Colostrum IgG – immune support.

More Information (Right click, and 'Save as...')

1. PRL - Are you prepared?


Supports body to address bacterial overgrowth/candida in intestines, lungs, bladder, skin



Immune system prevention and recovery support, with Acemannan from Aloe barbadensis


CLO2 Chlorine Dioxide

Spike protein support, anti-viral, anti-micobial, immune support


D3 Serum

Live source natural vitamin D3 - for healthy bones, brain, nerves, heart, lungs, breasts, digestive/sexual organs & more


Green Tea-ND - 2 oz

Nanized green tea concentrate - anti-aging/radiation, digestive, connective tissue, energy support


Green Tea-ND - 8 oz

Nanized green tea concentrate - anti-aging/radiation, digestive, connective tissue, energy support


HCL, Premier

Natural source, vinegar-derived betaine hydrochloric acid - stomach, digestive & anti-bacterial support



Italian olive leaf, reishi, coriolus - use in coffee enemas



Supports Healthy Inflammatory Response, Digestive and Gastrointestinal Health



pH-balanced orange extract - emulsifies fats & oils, fast minor pain relief, better joint flexibility



Beneficial bacteria for intestinal health; 18 probiotic strains; 15 billion CFUs per capsule


Mushroom Blend, Fermented

Healthy intestinal & immune support; with prebiotic fiber



N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine Blend - Premier Detoxification, Liver and Antioxidant Support


Nucleo Immune

Dramatic injury recovery time & immune system support especially during cold & flu season


Olive Leaf Immune

100% Italian olive leaf extract - anti-viral, deep-seated immune support


Oregano Oil

Potent immune boosting compounds - sinus, nose, throat, upper GI support



Comprehensive lung support and detox, including sinus & healthy breathing cycles


Vitamin C Complex

Natural source vitamin C & synergists - optimal health, vitality, immune function


Zinc Ultra, Liquid

Liquid zinc sulfate - easily absorbed - digestive, blood, immune support
