Most people today are affected by some sort of negative bacterial overgrowth in the intestines, which may or may not be Candida albicans (yeast or fungus).

Common symptoms: Fatigue, bloating after eating, rashes, poor digestion and bowel dysbiosis.

Other symptoms can include brain fog, depression, poor memory, low pH, yeast vaginitis, prostatitis, oral thrush, bad breath, menstrual cramps, chronic diarrhea, asthma, headaches, burning eyes, failing vision, pain in ears and more. Whether it’s Candida or a non-native bacteria, these pathogenic organisms release toxic waste which can get into the bloodstream and cause numerous, severe problems.

Suspected causes: Antibiotics, poor diet, low pH (mineral deficiency), mercury amalgam “silver” fillings, vaccines, steroids, oral contraceptives, x-rays and gastric operations.

New research shows that Candida is a normal commensal in the human intestinal tract. Overgrowth of Candida is often due to heavy metal toxicity (such as mercury gradually leaching from silver fillings). Swiss research shows that candida actually helps protect the body against heavy metal toxicity. Rather than just trying to “kill” the Candida, we would also want to clear the heavy metals and toxic dental work (all metals) so the Candida can return to normal levels in the body.

Also, there is often low pH (deficient minerals), weak adrenals/kidneys, toxic liver and stomach/intestinal problems. Trying to “kill” the Candida without clearing the heavy metal toxicity will often just make the symptoms worse. 

Follow The Instructions Below For 4 Months:

(Do not use this program if pregnant or nursing).

The absolute minimum I’d suggest would be the Allicidin and HCL, with a strong suggestion for the Medi-Clay and D3. But the best approach would be to follow as much of the program below as possible.

Alkalize Your Body. Alkaline minerals are essential for proper pH balancing and elimination of any toxic substances. Take pH tests as directed in the pH Story. If you do not pass the pH tests, then follow these directions on how to replenish your mineral reserve: Eat an 80 – 100% alkaline forming diet including lots of green vegetables, drink lots of green juices like kale, celery and cucumber and use the D3 and Premier Greens (my 1st choice) or the pH Trio (Calcium Magnesium Powder, Aloe, D3 Serum). If you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome or digestive concerns, you may want to steam or cook your vegetables, limit the green juice and see our other Digestion products. Always avoid meat, standard animal products, soda, sugar and white flour.

Testing and maintaining a proper pH (6.4 – 7.0) is doubly important if you have Candida (and thus heavy metals). With pH in range, the brush border cells of the bowels will have enough calcium, magnesium and trace minerals to trap heavy metals and release them out of the body as waste. Otherwise, heavy metals get reabsorbed into the blood stream and circulate throughout the body, creating havoc, including more Candida.

For sensitive body types: Use GastroVen for 4 days before starting the rest of the program. This may be necessary if you are highly sensitive or a Vata body type, otherwise not needed. Empty 3 Vcaps into hot water, steep for 10-15 minutes, drink before meals. Do this 3 times per day.

Take The Following Supplements Twice Per Day:
(for more information on each product listed, click the actual product toward the bottom of this page)

Allicidin – Contains ingredients that provide spectacular immune-specific support against fungal and bacterial organisms, especially in the intestines, urinary tract, lungs, mouth and skin. Gently destroys the pockets of biofilms (the sticky micro-nests where these pathogenic organisms hide). 6-12 Vcaps per day, spread throughout day before meals (2-4/meal). Take the higher amounts (or more) if you weigh over 150 lbs or have very challenging symptoms.

Premeir HCL – Promotes adequate stomach digestion, so there is no rotting food creating a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Also provides key rejuvenative support due to its ability to break biofilms. 6-12 Vcaps per day. Take 2-4 immediately after meals. The lower amounts are for digestion. Higher amounts can help break biofilms and are also needed if over 150 lbs, over 50 years old or eating meat.

HCL Activator – 3-6 Vcaps per day. Take 1-2 immediately after meals.

Medi-Clay – detoxes heavy metals and mycotoxins (mold) from digestive tract. Avoid worst sources of mycotoxins including peanuts, peanut butter, wheat and corn. 3 Vcaps/day. Open 1 cap in water and sip during each meal. 

D3 Serum – crucial for pH, uptake of calcium and stimulates over 200 immune functions in body.

Adaptogen-R-3 – Superb kidney support, crucial when detoxing bacteria or heavy metals. 3-4 Vcaps per day, all at breakfast. Take 4 if over 150 lbs.

Note: The Adaptogen should be adequate kidney support, but if you notice uncomfortable kidney symptoms such as tightness or pain in the kidney area, swelling in the ankles or legs, or pronounced fatigue, then add Renaven. 6-9 Vcaps per day. Take 2-3/meal.

Premier Greens – Supports alkaline pH, broad spectrum strengthening and DNA repair. Foundational support providing a consistent supplementation of every nutrient necessary for optimal health, including broad-spectrum, “beyond organic” vitamins, minerals,  antioxidants, enzymes, immune boosters and other phytonutrients. All raw materials are selected from premier quality, “once living” sources which contain a “body of light.” Goes far beyond traditional supplements containing inorganic minerals and isolated vitamins. 2 tsp. per day or more (2 tbsp/day if not alkaline).


Probiotic Caps – to replenish the friendly flora in the intestinal tract. Incomparable 12-strain, beneficial bacteria – intestinal & immune support. Take 4 Vcaps per day for 2 months, all upon waking. Bite into 2 before swallowing (for upper GI tract), swallow other 2 whole (for lower GI tract).

Uriven – for urinary tract support if you have bladder infections. 6 Vcaps per day. Take 2/meal.

Additional Information: Assess and properly remove toxic dental materials (ask for our dental protocol called Making the Right Dental Choice); avoid refined sugar/honey, red meat and coffee; eat a variety of fresh organic foods. Get daily sunlight and exercise.

Cleanse Reactions: If you are not alkaline or your kidneys are weak, the program can activate “cold/flu–like” symptoms or any other kind of previously experienced symptoms. This should not alarm you, for it is a sign that the detox program is working. Like any other “cleansing reaction”, the old symptoms usually will re-manifest for a short time as the toxins & metals are being released from the body. However, to minimize this add the Renaven and focus on getting alkaline.

Recommended Products:

Basic Program Supplements for 1 month (approximately – at the lowest dose listed above – order more individually as necessary):

3 Allicidin
2 Premier HCL
1 HCL Activator
1 Medi-Clay
1 D3 Serum
1 Adaptogen-R-3
1 Premier Greens

Optional Products (add on your own as needed):

2 Probiotic Caps (large)
3 Renaven
1 Gastroven
3 Uriven
1 Calcium Magnesium Powder
1 Aloe
1 pH Papers

We can not legally claim (see below) that this program will eliminate Candida or bacteria, but this is our favorite natural and non-toxic approach. Without being able to muscle test you (kinesiologically), we need to estimate more of each product vs. less. This should be an adequate quantity for most people, but in some cases if you are well above 150 lbs. or have serious toxicity, you may need higher amounts. If you are in the San Francisco Bay area, it is best to schedule an appointment for our Quantum Reflex Analysis testing. We can be more laser focused on exactly what you need, which may save you time and money.


Adaptogen-R3 - Endocrine system rejuvenation - optimal neruotransmitter production, memory, brain, kidney, adrenal & weight support



Supports body to address bacterial overgrowth/candida in intestines, lungs, bladder, skin


Aloe Powder

Premier Gastrointestinal support and pH Balance


Calcium Magnesium Powder - 2 oz

Natural calcium & magnesium for bone, joint, teeth & alkaline pH support


Calcium Magnesium Powder - 8 oz

Legendary bone, joint, alkaline pH support for ideal whole body health


Chem Detox

Supports broad spectrum chemical detox & immune support



Quantum-state herbal formula for superior stomach & digestive rejuvenation


Greens Caps

Complete Super Food Blend - live-source Vitamins & Minerals for high energy, brain & full body rejuvenation


Greens Powder

Complete Super Food Blend - live-source Vitamins & Minerals for high energy, brain & full body rejuvenation


HCL Activator

Use with Premier HCL (hydrochloric acid) - stomach & digestive support


HCL, Premier

Natural source, vinegar-derived betaine hydrochloric acid - stomach, digestive & anti-bacterial support



Detoxes mycotoxins and heavy metals, excellent for intestinal cleansing, rare calcium bentonite


pH Paper Roll

To test your acid/alkaline balance - the smart, quick & easy at-home health analysis tool - Test your pH every morning!


Probiotic Caps - 60 Vcaps

Incomparable 12-strain, beneficial bacteria - intestinal & immune support



Superb support for kidney function, blood purification and lymphatic drainage



Urinary tract and bladder support & detox
