Bones & Joints, Arthritis, Osteoporosis & Bone Loss
Are you demineralizing your bones? Bone and joint problems originate from an over acid pH and a lack of alkaline minerals.
Your body uses calcium to buffer the acids in the system. If your body becomes over acid, from eating an acid forming diet and from internal infections, it will steal calcium from your bones. Thus, every day you are over acid you are in bone loss. This can lead to simple pain or Osteoporosis, which is not just thin bone but sick bone, often bacteria in the bone.
At the end of the day, whatever calcium the body didn’t use, it can’t put back in the bones, so it throws it into soft tissue, causing calcium deposits and Arthritis.
To reverse, we must first stop the bone and calcium loss by getting into the normal pH range. We do this with the pH support products and the other supplements described below and by eating an alkaline diet.
If you are in the Bay Area, Jon can test you for exactly what you need. Otherwise, here are our suggestions:
- pH Support Products – These are the best products for getting your body alkaline. Read this page and the links which give you instructions for testing your pH. Get one of the D3 and Greens products. The pH Minerals can help too. If your kidneys are in good shape and you are having trouble getting alkaline, you can add one of the Calcium Magnesium products.
- pH Papers – To test your pH daily. This is the best diagnostic test of your health.
- Premier Bone Health – To rebuild bones and fight any bacteria or sickness in the bone. Keep at a high dose for 4-6 months.
- HCL Detox Kit – For proper digestion of your minerals and anti-bacterial support. Higher doses over longer periods of time can eventually dissolve calcium deposits, a cause of Arthritis.
- Green Tea-ND – Best support for the parathyroid glands which are also involved in bone metabolism and are weak on most adults.
- RenaVen – The kidneys are also involved in bone metabolism and if they are weak you won’t get alkaline.
- Premier Glucosamine – temporary help.
- NZ-Red Velvet Deer Antler – natural source of collagen and stem cells. Supports spine, cartilage & connective tissue.
- Premier Joint & Disc – Minor relief for pain & inflammation, healthy joint and disc support
We suggest the above protocol for 4-6 months. Then, if the pH is holding in range every day without fluctuation, you can gradually reduces dosages. Continue with the pH Support products, HCL and an alkaline diet to remineralize your body right down to the bones.
An alkaline diet means eating alkaline forming foods for over 80% of your daily diet and less than 20% acid forming foods. The highest source of alkaline minerals are in vegetables, so eat a ton of them. They have no calories, so they’ll never make you fat. Eat a vegetable soup and/or a huge salad before lunch and dinner. Have a whole plate of steamed or raw vegetables with your main meal.
Even better – drink 16 – 32 ounces of vegetable juice daily, preferably freshly made and not pasteurized. Nothing re-mineralizes you faster than the pH Trio and vegetable juice.
Alkaline foods include all vegetables plus sweet potatoes & yams. Neutral foods (won’t get you alkaline but won’t make you more acidic) include fruit, beans, lentils and seeds. Acid foods include soda pop, meat, chicken, fish, dairy (including milk), eggs, all nuts, and grains. Slightly acidic foods are grains. More densely acid forming are nuts, coffee and alchohol. Nut butters and milks should be avoided. The most acid forming foods are soda pop and animal products. Meat for example is 44 times more acid than alkaline. It’s hard to ever balance that out. We suggest no more than one serving of an acid forming food daily, and the more densely acidic the smaller the serving.
Check our Alkaline pH page for further instructions.
Calcium Magnesium Powder - 2 oz
Natural calcium & magnesium for bone, joint, teeth & alkaline pH support
D3 Serum
Live source natural vitamin D3 - for healthy bones, brain, nerves, heart, lungs, breasts, digestive/sexual organs & more
Glucosamine Sulfate
Sulfur-containing amino acid - superior connective tissue & joint support, flexibility
Greens, Fermented
Fermented multi-greens with probiotics, prebiotics & postbiotics; promotes alkalinity, pH & healthy microbiome & gut health
NZ-Red Velvet Deer Antler
Natural Stem Cells & collagen - for reproductive organs, bladder, spine, cartilage, connective tissue