
Acne is mostly a bacterial problem. Here’s how you can resolve it:


1) Do our Candida/Bacterial Program for 4 straight months. You’ll notice there the absolute minimum we’d suggest would be the Allicidin and HCL, with a strong suggestion for the Medi-Clay and D3. (Note dosage based on age and weight). But the best approach would be to follow as much of that program as possible.

For teenagers:  HCL, HCL Activator and Adaptogen are not necessary. Instead, one tsp/day of the Pink Salt is crucial. This helps kids’ natural production of HCL, so the food gets digested. Rotting food is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. For kids, 6 Allicidin per day, 3 drops of D3, 1 Medi-Clay per meal and the Pink Salt.


2) Eat an acne-free diet. Eliminate ALL dairy from your diet. This includes milk, cheese, ice cream, pizza, yogurt, butter, etc. This does not get digested, clogs up the body’s elimination channels and contributes greatly to acne. Think of it as cow pus! Eliminate all sugar and artificial sweeteners. Sugar feeds bacteria. Fruit is ok.

We are not a fan of antibiotics. They destroy the intestinal flora, weaken our overall immune system, never quite kill all the bacteria and make it about 4 times more likely that you will get the same infection, only worse at some point in the future, usually 6 months to 6 years later. But we rarely trace the cause back to the previous antibiotic, so then we take an even stronger one, continuing the downward spiral. That’s why hospitals can be the most dangerous places, breeding ever stronger, antibiotic-resistant bacteria. If you’ve done antibiotics, we suggest taking the Probiotic Caps for 2 months to reinstall friendly flora in your intestines.


Supports body to address bacterial overgrowth/candida in intestines, lungs, bladder, skin


D3 Serum

Live source natural vitamin D3 - for healthy bones, brain, nerves, heart, lungs, breasts, digestive/sexual organs & more


HCL Activator

Use with Premier HCL (hydrochloric acid) - stomach & digestive support



Detoxes mycotoxins and heavy metals, excellent for intestinal cleansing, rare calcium bentonite


HCL, Premier

Natural source, vinegar-derived betaine hydrochloric acid - stomach, digestive & anti-bacterial support


Probiotic Caps - 60 Vcaps

Incomparable 12-strain, beneficial bacteria - intestinal & immune support


Probiotic Caps - 30 Vcaps

Incomparable 12-strain, beneficial bacteria - intestinal & immune support
