Liver/Gallbladder Cleansing & Rejuvenation

The western diet is generally very hard on the liver and gallbladder. Almost everyone who visits our office for a testing session has a weak, congested or toxic liver and gallbladder. It’s just not possible to be completely healthy or feel our best without a clean, fully functional liver and gallbladder. Although they are integrally connected, let’s examine them individually.

The Gallbladder

The main cause of gallbladder congestion is consuming the wrong oils:

  1. Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils found in most packaged foods (read labels).
  2. Cooked oils (avoid fried foods or even sauteing with olive oil). Coconut Oil is the only oil that can withstand heat without breaking down into a chemical abomination that clogs the gallbladder.
  3. All store bought oils – see Healthy Oil Consumption below.

Gallbladder problems are often linked to low pH (deficient minerals), parasitic infection, bile sludge in the bile ducts, consumption of toxic oils in the diet, especially fried foods and hydrogenated oils (as found in commercial breads, crackers, cakes, bagels, etc.) Because of the widespread use of toxic oils, most Americans will develop gallstones in the gallbladder as well as in the biliary tract.

For complete cleansing of the gallbladder, Gallbladder-ND is crucial. The Premier Coffee Enemas (see link below) is highly recommended. In addition, it is critical to cut back on or eliminate refined oils or only consume a healthy oil source such as the Premier EFAs.

Common Symptoms: Burping frequently, bloating, inability to digest fats & oils, weight gain, nausea after meals, poor skin or hair quality, high cholesterol (from undigested fats in the bloodstream), headaches, fatigue, waking up at night, gallbladder “attacks”, especially after eating fatty foods.

Special Considerations: Many gallbladder symptoms can be completely resolved after liver/gallbladder detoxification. Avoid toxic oils (especially fried oils, hydrogenated oils and canola oil). Do not eat fatty foods past 2 PM (such as cheese, meat, etc.) Digestive aids such as Digest should be taken (2 Vcaps/meal) before every meal with cooked food.

For best results, the Premier Coffee Enemas should be done 1 to 2/week for 15-20 weeks at first, then continued once every 1 to 2 months until no further stones are expelled in the stool.

Gallstone Development: Because of the widespread use of toxic oils, most Americans will develop gallstones and many will have their gallbladders removed unnecessarily. Many people are surprised to find that after removal of the gallbladder, their gallbladder symptoms are often still the same. Even after gallbladder surgery, it is still necessary to cleanse and detoxify the liver/gallbladder tract.

After the gallbladder is removed, the bile manufactured by the liver can no longer be stored in the gallbladder – the bile drips directly into the small intestine, which can create a toxic intestinal condition, especially if the bile is highly acidic. That is why gallbladder removal is linked with a higher incidence of colon disease.

Gallstone Elimination: If the gallbladder has not been removed, Premier Coffee Enemas can often safely eliminate gallstones.

Healthy Oil Consumption: It is critical to regularly consume a healthy oil source (with balanced Omega oils) such the Premier EFAs. Since bile flow is predominantly from 10 AM to 2 PM, dietary oil consumption should be during this time period to avoid unnecessary weight gain and ensure best uptake of dietary oils.

Please note that almost every store bought oil we examine, tests toxic (See how we test). Dr. Marshall of PRL discovered that even the dark glass bottles that oils are sold in don’t block out the spectrum of light that rancidifies. So most oils are rancid by the time you buy them off the shelves. PRL is patenting a bottle that blocks this spectrum of light and protects the oil. They also nitrogen flush the bottle to prevent any oxidation and extend shelf live.

For that reason I only suggest using PRL oils. Also, oils should not be heated (no fried foods). The only oil that can withstand heat without breaking down into a chemical mess that clogs the gallbladder, is coconut oil. Check out our oils here.

Liver Concerns

Liver problems are often linked to poor diet, especially consumption of hydrogenated oils and/or fried foods; infection (including bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic or a combination of these). They are also linked to low pH (deficient minerals), toxic gallbladder, intestinal infection (backup of waste products into liver), heavy metal exposure/toxicity; dental toxicity/infection and severe B complex deficiency.

Common symptoms: Fatigue, joint pain, sinus problems, headache, difficulty sleeping, menstrual/hormonal imbalances, etc.

Special Liver Detoxification: Premier Coffee Enemas (1 to 2/wk for 15-20 wks).

Special Considerations: Avoid soft drinks, processed foods, foods with hydrogenated oils; adopt a natural whole foods diet. Eat more organic fruit (high content of water) to cleanse the bowels and download the liver.

Take the following products Daily:

Max B-ND – Usually our 1st choice to up-regulate the liver. Only live-source vitamin B complex in the world. This would be a great product to stay on long term (see our Daily Program for others), since the liver is always filtering out dietary and environmental toxins from your bloodstream.

½-1 tsp in 8-16 oz. water, 1-2 times daily. Shake gently before use. For best results, sip slowly, holding each sip in your mouth 2-3 seconds before swallowing. It is absorbed through the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. Even better: Put full amount for day in water bottle and sip all day long. If over 150 lbs., use 1-2 tsp per day. Use 1/2 tsp. if you are highly sensitive to supplements (if so, start with 1/4 tsp for a few days).

Gallbladder-ND – Supports cleansing of the gallbladder tract. Helps soften gallstones over time to support their release through coffee enemas. Keep using until all symptoms are gone and you know your gallbladder is strong. It can take over 3-5 years to fully repair the gallbladder with just the Gallbladder-ND. The enemas speed up the process. Adding just the coffee enemas can reduce the time to less than a year. We suggest starting the Gallbladder-ND for 2 weeks before adding the coffee enemas, unless you have pain, in which case start it all right away, plus the Biliven.

Take 3-4 tsp per day: 1-2 tsp in 8-16 oz. water, 2 times daily (in morning & 1 hr after dinner). Sip slowly, holding each sip in your mouth 2-3 seconds before swallowing. It is absorbed through the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. Even better: Put full 3-4 tsp. for day in water bottle and sip all day long. Can mix in same water with Max B-ND (above).

Limonene Complex – emulsifies fats and oils. Take 2 drops in water with any meal containing fats or oils until the gallbladder can once again digest fats properly. Another option is 1 tbsp of Lecithin.

BiliVen (formerly Gallbladder Complex) – Add if having excessive symptoms, such as pain, gallstones, belching, etc. Helps to open the neck of the gallbladder and improve bile flow so stones and toxins can be released. 6-18 Vcaps per day. Take 2-6, 3 times per day.

Liver-ND – Add if there is excessive liver overload or pain in the body. Promotes optimal liver health & detox, DNA repair, exceptional pain relief and chemical detoxification.

½-1 tsp in 8-16 oz. water, 1-2 times daily (in morning & 1 hr after dinner), more often if in pain (5-10 times). Sip slowly, holding each sip in your mouth 2-3 seconds before swallowing. Even better: Put full 1-2 tsp. for day in water bottle and sip all day long. If over 150 lbs., use 2 tsp per day. Can mix in same water with Max B-ND & Gallbladder-ND (above).

Note: We no longer suggest doing liver/gallbladder flushes with oil, as that can actually cause the formation of stones. Use the coffee enemas instead.

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1. Coffee Enema