Colds and flu are linked to nutritional deficiencies, run-down immunity, weak thymus, low pH (deficient minerals), weak kidneys, toxic liver/gallbladder and toxic colon. 

Common Symptoms: fever, nausea, aching joints, sniffling, sneezing, headache, runny nose, sinus pain, etc.

In 1905, 5% of Americans were chronically ill. Today, it’s over 53%. Most of this is linked to the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) of eating junk food, sugar, denatured food out of a box or can that is laden with chemical and synthetic additives, etc. When we eat these and other “make believe foods” we get “make believe health.”


The best prevention against catching any kind of cold, flu or virus is a strong immune system, adequate HCL and proper pH. The suggestions below will include both prevention and what to do if you are already sick.


Alkalize Your Body. Alkaline minerals are essential for proper pH balancing, all metabolic functions of the cell and elimination of any toxic substances. Take pH tests as directed in the handout, The pH Story. Then follow these directions on how to replenish your mineral reserve: Eat an 80 – 100% alkaline forming diet including lots of green vegetables, drink lots of green juices like kale, celery and cucumber and use the D3 and Premier Greens (my 1st choice) or the pH Trio (Coral Legend, AloePro, D3 Serum). Avoid dairy, meat, standard animal products, soda, sugar and white flour.

Take The Following Supplements Daily:
(for more information on each product listed, click the product at the bottom of this page)

Premier HCLPromotes adequate stomach digestion, so there is no rotting food creating a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Also provides key rejuvenative support due to its ability to break biofilms. Contains ingredients that provide spectacular immune-specific support against bacterial and other harmful organisms. Gently destroys the pockets of biofilms (the sticky micro-nests where these pathogenic organisms hide). For Prevention: 6-12 Vcaps per day. For cold or flu: 12 -24 Vcaps per day. Take 3-8 immediately after meals. The lower amounts are for digestion. Higher amounts can help break biofilms and are also needed if over 150 lbs, over 50 years old or eating meat. Read the recommended use instructions here and double until you feel better. During Pandemic: Take as many as 18 – 90 per day.

HCL Activator – 3-6 Vcaps per day. Take 1-2 immediately after meals.

For sensitive body types: Use GastroVen for 4 days before starting the rest of the program. This may be necessary if you are highly sensitive or a Vata body type, otherwise not needed. Empty 3 Vcaps into hot water, steep for 10-15 minutes, drink 3 times per day before meals.

D3 Serum – natural source vitamin D for increased immunity and support of all mucous membranes (lungs, sinus, intestines). Crucial for pH, uptake of calcium and stimulates over 200 immune functions in body. Take 6 drops per day at main meal.

Premier Greens – Supports alkaline pH, broad spectrum strengthening and DNA repair. Foundational support providing a consistent supplementation of every nutrient necessary for optimal health, including broad-spectrum, “beyond organic” vitamins, minerals,  antioxidants, enzymes, immune boosters and other phytonutrients. All raw materials are selected from premier quality, “once living” sources which contain a “body of light.” Goes far beyond traditional supplements containing inorganic minerals and isolated vitamins. 2 tsp. per day or more (2 tbsp/day if not alkaline).

DHA (liquid or caps) – Helps restore & maintain essential fatty acid balance. 1 tsp. or 4-6 caps daily.

Pink Salt – for stomach digestion, trace minerals and adrenal support. Take 1-2 tsp. per day.

Colostrum Powder – Superior gastrointestinal and immune support. Like a back-up immune system. For Prevention: 1 tsp, 1 – 2 times daily. For cold, flu or Pandemic: Take 2 tsp, 2 times daily.

Already Have Symptoms?
Add the Products Below Until You Are Better:

(Do not use this program if pregnant or nursing).

Top Priority: If you can only do a few supplements, then take a high dose of Nucleo Immune, HCL and Oregano Oil (see below). Next, add D3 and Colostrum.

Nucleo Immune –  Supports body to rapidly overcome colds or flu, heal wounds, improve circulation, instantaneously strengthen the immune system, promote new cell growth, neutralize toxins (especially in the intestines) and enhance the body’s ability to fight infection. For cold or flu: Take 6-18 per day, depending on your budget and how much support you want. During Pandemic: Take 18-30 per day.

Oregano Oil and Limonene – Potent immune boosting compounds for sinus, nose, throat, respiratory and upper GI support. For cold or flu: Mix 2-6 drops Oregano Oil with 2 drops Limonene in a few ounces of water. Gargle and swallow every few hours or as often as necessary. During Pandemic: Take every hour.

Allicidin – anti-bacterial. Take 6-9 per day.

Immunoven – anti-viral herbs to neuter the micro-organisms so they can’t reproduce. During Pandemic: Take 6-18 per day.

Topical Support: Mix 1 drop of D3 Serum, 2 tsp. of Immuno-ND and 2 tsp. of Vintage Vinegar together. Rub into chest and back for mucous membrane support. Also Eucalyptus Spray topically on the chest to help the lungs.

Additional Information:

Avoid heavy or hard to digest foods (especially red meat, cheese, commercial dairy). Avoid refined carbs such as white flour foods (bread, pasta, bagels, crackers, etc). Avoid white sugar, hydrogenated oils, fried foods and soft drinks. Keep the body warm. Eat light foods such as hot homemade vegetable soup. Get plenty of rest (no exertion).

There is also a phenomenal amount of additional diet & health information, as well as home therapies, remedies and tips that will be massively helpful in Jon’s Audio CDs “Unlimited Vitality” (see below). We guarantee you will love them and find them invaluable (or we’ll buy them back from you)!

Recommended Products:

1) Immune Support/Flu Prevention Program – 1 Month supply (approximately – at the lowest dose listed above – order more individually as necessary) and includes the following products:

2 Premier HCL
1 HCL Activator
1 D3 Serum
1 Premier Greens – powder
1 EPA/DHA Marine or 3 DHA caps
1 Pink Salt
1 Colostrum Powder

2) Cold/Flu Support Program – 1 month supply of Prevention Supplements above, including 1 week supply (which is usually enough) of extra items needed for cold/flu support (approximately – at the lowest dose listed above – order more individually as necessary):

Includes products in #1 above plus these extra bottles:
1 Premier HCL (3 bottles total)
1 Colostrum Powder (2 bottles total)
1 Nucleo Immune
1 Oregano Oil
1 Limonene
1 Allicidin

3) Pandemic Support Program Supplements – 1 month supply of Prevention Supplements above, including 2 week supply of extra items needed for pandemic support (approximately – at the lowest dose listed above – order more individually as necessary):

Includes products in #1 above plus these extra bottles:
2 Premier HCL (4 bottles total)
1 Colostrum Powder (2 bottles total)
5 Nucleo Immune
3 Oregano Oil
2 Limonene
3 Allicidin
3 Immunoven
1 D3 (2 bottles total)
1 Immuno-ND – 8 oz.
1 Vintage Vinegar
1 Eucalptus Spray

4) Ultimate Pandemic Support – same as #3 with extra items needed for the highest dose suggested above – see choices below.

Notes: We can not legally claim (see below) that this program will resolve a cold or flu, but this is our favorite natural and non-toxic approach. Without being able to muscle test you (kinesiologically), we need to estimate more of each product vs. less. This should be an adequate quantity for most people, but in some cases if you are well above 150 lbs. or have serious toxicity, you may need higher amounts. If you are in the San Francisco Bay area, it is best to schedule an appointment for our testing. We can be more laser focused on exactly what you need, which may save you time and money.


Supports body to address bacterial overgrowth/candida in intestines, lungs, bladder, skin



Feed your Brain! Promotes superior brain processing, mental acuity and memory, protects brain when eating out


Calcium Magnesium Powder - 8 oz

Legendary bone, joint, alkaline pH support for ideal whole body health


Greens Powder

Complete Super Food Blend - live-source Vitamins & Minerals for high energy, brain & full body rejuvenation


HCL Activator

Use with Premier HCL (hydrochloric acid) - stomach & digestive support


Nucleo Immune

Dramatic injury recovery time & immune system support especially during cold & flu season


HCL, Premier

Natural source, vinegar-derived betaine hydrochloric acid - stomach, digestive & anti-bacterial support



Quantum-state herbal formula for superior stomach & digestive rejuvenation



pH-balanced orange extract - emulsifies fats & oils, fast minor pain relief, better joint flexibility


Vintage Vinegar

Genuine gourmet Italian vinegar - natural, healthy source


Oregano Oil

Potent immune boosting compounds - sinus, nose, throat, upper GI support



Italian olive leaf, reishi, coriolus - use in coffee enemas


pH Paper Roll

To test your acid/alkaline balance - the smart, quick & easy at-home health analysis tool - Test your pH every morning!
