CoQ10 100 mg + Hawthorne

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CoQ10 allows the body to utilize oxygen at the cellular level and unlock natural energy from each cell. When we are young, our bodies make lots of Coenzyme Q-10 from plant proteins, but as we get older we produce less and less, thus making this a much-needed supplement. CoQ10 enhances the bodys ability to use oxygen at the cellular level.

CoQ10 is also critically involved in the production of energy (in the form of ATP) at the cellular level. This super energy-rich molecule must be constantly replaced to sustain necessary energy for survival. Only about 24 ounces of this ATP energy molecule are stored in the body at any one time. If CoQ10 levels are low (as they are in nearly everyone these days), ATP synthesis is hampered. As a result, energy levels drop, leaving cells vulnerable to infection, mutation, or elimination.

Our CoQ10 also contains 400 mg. of Hawthorne Berry, which is known as one of the most valuable cardiovascular tonics available. It has been used to bring high or low blood pressure back to normal and reduce the severity and frequency of angina attacks. It has also been used in the treatment of irregular heartbeats, artery spasms (Raynauds), and some nerve disorders such as insomnia.

More effective absorption of Q10 can be achieved when it is taken with foods containing oils/fats such as avocados, seeds or nuts, flax seed oil, and Digestion Enhancement Enzymes™.