Study Reveals Chemotherapy Hastened or Caused Deaths of Many

Chemotherapy is one of three main treatment protocols of conventional medicine, one which millions of people worldwide have been put through. In fact, virtually all of us know someone who suffered and finally passed on after a futile course...

Sunscreens - How They Harm Rather than Protect

Sunscreen use actually leads to increased risks of cancer and increased photoaging. Sunscreen chemicals also kill coral reefs within 96 hours of contact.

The Dangers Of Colonoscopies

This information was surprising and enlightening even to us...

The Drug Story

The real truth about medical drugs, control of the media and how much of what we've been taught to believe about health is untrue.

The Effectiveness Of Colonoscopies On Cancer And IBD

Colonoscopies may neither safe nor effective...yet there is an alternative.

Three Studies on the Health Benefits of Living Near Greenery

With rapid industrialization and urbanization, fewer and fewer of us live in areas of serene greenery. Yet, there has always been something very relaxing and attractive about parks and forests. And three recent studies have found that living near such areas has beneficial effects on our health and the health of our children.

Top Ten Ways the American Health Care System Fails

The US does not have a health care system; we have a disease-management system dependent on expensive drugs and invasive surgeries. It's a system with a mission to maximize profits, as opposed to helping people maintain or regain their health. The Affordable Health Care Act is likely to make matters worse rather than better, as the Act does not include any illness prevention strategies. Nor does it contain any measures to rein in out-of-control health care costs related to overcharges. Instead it expands an already flawed model of "care" that is one of the leading causes of both death and bankruptcy for Americans.

Vitamin Bashers Are Wrong, Says Top Doc

Although the best way to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs is through a healthy diet, the typical diet lacks essential nutrients, according to Dr. Brownstein. "I check my patients for nutritional imbalances, and the vast majority of patients, both sick and well, have nutritional deficiencies." ..."Not all multivitamins are created equal," he says. "There are many inferior vitamins...