Genes Don't Cause Cancer: Exhaustive Study Reveals Genetic Links to be Hogwash

Genes Don't Cause Cancer: Exhaustive Study Reveals Genetic Links to be Hogwash

Happiness Can Spread Among People Like a Contagion, Study Indicates

Happiness is contagious, spreading among friends, neighbors, siblings and spouses like the flu, according to a large study that for the first time shows how emotion can ripple through clusters of people who may not even know each other.

Health Freedom Groups Join in Launch of Grassroots Health Revolution Petition

A new petition calling for revolutionary health care reforms and health freedoms was launched today at The petition -- which is endorsed by NaturalNews, the Organic Consumers Association, the Life Extension...

How to make the most impact on the environment? Through YOUR ACTIONS in YOUR OWN LIFE!

A great list of tips & web sites - written by a friend of awesome computer tech guy.

How to opt out of the TSA's naked body scanners at the airport

Here is what will happen, but it is worth it to save yourself from this cancer causing ionizing radiation...

Institutional Corruption of Pharmaceuticals and the Drug Safety Myth

The medical establishment as a whole is one of the leading causes of death! Medical errors are the third-leading cause of death in the US, right after heart disease and cancer. Hospital-based adverse drug reactions alone are the fourth leading cause of death in the US.

Meditation Can Cut Heart Attacks by as Much as Half

There are a number of proven natural alternatives to reducing your risk of heart attack, but one of the most effective to do that, new research has shown, is through meditation.

Modern Bread, The Broken Staff Of Life

Explains the modern production and processing of bread and why it is no longer a healthy food.