Quantum Reflex Analysis

Rapid Assessment of the Body's Main Organ/Gland Control Points and Interference Fields For A Rapid Return to Optimal Health Status

Bowel-Cleansing Drugs Can Damage Kidneys

Warning about the drugs used to cleanse bowels before colonoscopies.

What Better Health Can Give You

A point by point list of the benefits of better health.

Bras Shown to Cause Cancer

Is it possible that wearing a bra can actually cause cancer? Studies show that this is a very real possibility. The reason is that regularly wearing a bra prevents lymph drainage and circulation, which can greatly increase the possibility of developing breast cancer.

Calcium Channel Blockers: How These Blood Pressure Drugs Cause Early Death and Promote Cancer

Research shows that these drugs make one far more susceptible to dying of a heart attack (resulting in early death) as well as potentiating cancer.

Cancer industry total fraud exposed: Nearly all 'scientific' studies fail to be replicated

The vast majority of so-called scientific studies focused on cancer research are inaccurate and potentially fraudulent, suggests a new review published in the journal Nature.

Doctor admits that most MDs know nothing about nutrition, health

According to a recent New York Times piece written by a doctor, most medical schools teach few, if any, courses in nutrition, and most students graduate and become doctors with no sense of how nutrition plays a vital role in maintaining good health.

Doctors are the Third Leading Cause of Death

Before you consider a medical procedure or drug with dangerous side effects, read this article. Then do your homework and investigate the risks and the alternatives. There is always a natural and effective alternative. Contact us if you would like to discuss what that might be for you.