About Us

Total Health Secrets is a privately held corporation owned and founded by me, Jon Cotton, over 30 years ago. The company operates under the corporate name The Fire Within Inc. We consult with thousands of clients in every aspect of health and specialize in helping you to create maximum health & vitality.
I have studied health, nutrition and creating maximum vitality for years and model what I’ve learned in my own life. I also integrate an energetic understanding of the body from 12 years as a teacher of meditation and intuition.
We are sensitive to your needs and can help you put together a program specifically designed to support you as you embark on this positive direction towards optimal health.
An approach I have found fulfilling in life is to seek out and learn from those individuals who are getting the results I desire. Then I adopt, integrate and simplify their practices and pass along what I have learned.
Here at Total Health Secrets we walk our talk. You don’t just get empty advice. You get practical help that has produced success with our own health and with our 28,000 clients. We know what we’re talking about when it comes to health.
I feel so lucky to have discovered this approach over 30 years ago. Most of my life I had chronic fatigue and got sick with the change of seasons. Now, after more than a dozen cleanse programs & using many of the products every day, I rarely meet anyone as healthy and with as much energy as me
I have transitioned from a total meat, dairy and sugar based junk food diet (the standard American diet) to a vegetarian diet, a vegan diet (no meat or dairy) and eventually an all-alkaline forming diet. For the past 18 years, I have eaten a 100% living foods diet and have researched living foods extensively. I have not been sick a day in 20 years and am lighter with more energy than I had in high school.
Our entire product line has been created for the enthusiast who is seriously interested in improving his/her level of health and well being. Premier Research Labs, HealthForce (and our other manufacturers) always uses wildcrafted or organically grown herbs and the highest quality extracts and other foodstuff, whenever possible. Read Jon’s article – “High Standards – How We Select Products”. It is not a bargain to consume inexpensive products that do not work effectively. If you are willing to improve the quality of your health, you want powerful and effective products to support your process of renewal. You may rest assured, we strive for the best at an affordable price.

You have our commitment for personal service and free ongoing support and consultation. As specialists in internal cleansing, a premier source of dynamic alternative health information, a distributor for many other health and nutrition products, and nutrition experts, we offer the most up-to-date information and knowledge about how to administer the program and adjust it to your needs. This is important, often crucial, to your success with the program because it is flexible and often requires adjustments according to your results and how you are feeling.
Our well-trained assistants and I guarantee you the best service, personal coaching and prices. We strive for the best at an affordable price. Additionally, we can match any publicly advertised prices. We keep a large inventory on hand and offer fast service. We normally respond within 48 hours and often the same day.
We stand behind our products. They are the most effective we’ve found. We guarantee it!

Our Vision & Mission

Our vision has always been to offer the purest, highest quality, life enhancing products in every area of health. Our products are in alignment with a green sustainable world. I’ve spent years researching products for every aspect of life and rather than making you search through a large assortment like a superstore, I choose to carry only the best.
Here is our Mission Statement.
- To Empower people to.
- Create total health & unlimited vitality.
- Discover their passion for life & spiritual potential.
- Create more love, intimacy & community in the world.
Conscious Community
By choosing to use your dollars to support people who promote earth-friendly products, you help us reach out and assist more people to find an alternative, natural approach to health.
Your purchases with Total Health Secrets promotes a totally natural business, rather than buying healthy products in a supermarket that also sells numerous packaged, denatured, non-organic, foods & toxic substances in the rest of the store. We are usually more competitive and give free support, and if there’s ever an issue with us vs. the store, just let us know what we can do to win your business.
Creating harmony with nature and health within ourselves flows organically from our choices and spending decisions. Above all, spend so that your choices do no harm…to earth, to animals, to your body…but create a consciousness of kindness, compassion, simplicity, gratitude, wholeness and love.

To see the rest of our natural products and order on-line see our Total Health Catalogue.
May you have laughter in your belly
passion in your soul, compassion in your actions &love in your heart.
and may you enjoy the Secrets of Total Health,
– Jon Cotton