pH Paper Roll
To test your acid/alkaline balance - the smart, quick & easy at-home health analysis tool - Test your pH every morning!


Packaging: 7/32



pH Paper Roll


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pH Paper Roll – from Premier Research Labs

Use the pH Paper Roll to test your 1st morning urine (mid-stream after 5:30am) every day as a health analysis tool. You want it to be between 6.4 – 7.0 every day for a few weeks without fluctuating outside the range. Use the pH Trio if not alkaline.

pH papers should be used daily to make sure you are alkaline. If you’ve never used this before, it’s an exciting way to gauge your body’s acid/alkaline reserve and electrolyte reserve. Use them regularly to head off problems before they start. Test yourself first thing in the morning before eating.

If you are not testing in the proper range, then follow the suggestions on our Alkaline pH page.


pH Paper Roll – from Premier Research Labs

Use the pH Paper Roll to test your 1st morning urine (mid-stream after 5:30am) every day as a health analysis tool. You want it to be between 6.4 – 7.0 every day for a few weeks without fluctuating outside the range. Use the pH Trio if not alkaline.

pH papers should be used daily to make sure you are alkaline. If you’ve never used this before, it’s an exciting way to gauge your body’s acid/alkaline reserve and electrolyte reserve. Use them regularly to head off problems before they start. Test yourself first thing in the morning before eating.

If you are not testing in the proper range, then follow the suggestions on our Alkaline pH page.