Recommended Reading
Recommended Reading:
Diet For A New America
by John Robbins
Diet For A New America
by John Robbins
This classic is among the most important books of our time. We feel it is required reading for citizens of earth today. It's a compassionate yet hard hitting, well reseached expose of the effects of meat & dairy consumption on our health and the health of our planet, with a beautiful section on our interelationship with animals. You'll find your understanding lifted to a true planetary consciousness.
Robbins documents the direct relationship between meat consumption and nearly every environmental problem, including:
- Rainforest destruction (to raise cattle)
- Water (1 hamburger's production uses the amount of water it takes for 1 person to shower every day for a year)
- Hunger (we can wipe out starvation with a 10% cut in meat consumption because meat production requires 16 times its weight in grain & soy as cattle feed)
- Water Pollution (from runoff of pesticides & manure).
From his extensive health research one statistic stood out: 50% of Americans die of heart attacks. For vegetarians its under 15%, for vegans under 4%. Its never too late to change. Eat live fruits & vegetables for life. This book will help you make a more informed choice. Bon appetite.